Synchronization is always my problem

With the internet and digital devices being popular, it doesn't have to take a hand copy of writing to be published any more. It's simpler than before; things can be shown to the world online.

Yet, I grew up in the old era where things were written by hands. My outlines for college reports, first drafts for my website's posts, and other writings have been on paper. Well, except this post, which is directly typing on screen.

Why don't you just do your first draft on the computer? or on the phone?

I have those. I have word processing software/apps on them, too. The problem is synchronizing.

I don't always get my finger tips on the keyboard, either the situations are limiting or the situations are limiting. I didn't just repeat myself. Like when idea just strike, enough time to grab and type? Like work is in the way, there's no computer around. Still work is in the way, don't want to show the boss doing things other than work.

Yesterday, I got up another two posts for my website. I have the words typed up on my phone and copied/pasted, even though I have setup Scrivener for the website pages.

How can I draft more on the program? Scrivener, evernote...


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